Don't you hate those musicals where someone just bursts into song randomly? Well...sorry.
Every street is dark
And folding out mysteriously
Where lies the chance we take to be
Always working
Reaching out for a hand that we can't see
Everybody's got a hold on hope
It's the last thing that's holding me
Invitation to the last dance
Then it's time to leave
But that's the price we pay when we deceive
One another/animal mother
She opens up for free
Everybody's got a hold on hope
It's the last thing that's holding me
Look at the talkbox in mute frustration
At the station
There hides the cowboy
His campfire flickering on the landscape
That nothing grows on
But time still goes on
And through each life of misery
Everybody's got a hold on hope
It's the last thing that's holding me
"Hold on Hope" by Guided by Voices
So we're rounding the corner on the home stretch of the season and the next chapter of what has become an exciting rivalry goes down tonight. Is it too much to hope for that the Caps pull out a thrilling victory in their last nationally televised game when they face the evil Thrash?
I'm still going to, though. Just for funsies.
Speaking of hope:

Sutsy, the hope of a new generation. That, or one of the few Caps who has played consistently well over the last few games. Hard to tell.
But the real story for tonight is not the Caps-Thrashers rematch. It's the Caps Blogger Happy Hour, Version 4.0! As they say, misery loves company, so bloggers and non-bloggers alike, come on down to the Grand Hyatt hotel at 1000 H St, NW in downtown DC. Game starts at 7:00 pm, drinking copiously to dull the pain starts at 7:02, so get there early. More details available as always at The Kevin Hatcher Fan Club
EXTRA EXTRA: Today also marks the beginning of a new nickname contest. That's right, you too can get 15 seconds of fame reaching dozens of readers by mocking others! A warning - this time around I'm making it a bit trickier, so get those thinking caps ready. About once a week or whenever I feel like it from now until the end of the season I will select a Caps player's name. All suggestions for that one lucky Caps player should be e-mailed to me by the date indicated, and the best one as determined again by me, the emperess of all things (yup, I got a promotion) will be featured in the next gameday preview.
This week's selection is:
Jeff Schultz
(Note: "Sgt." and "Charles" are not eligible - I've used them both and neither one is good...)
This week's entries must be e-mailed to capsfan82 at hotmail dot com before midnight on Thursday, March 15th and the winner will appear in the preview for Friday's home game against the Leafs. Nicknames can be based on a particular attribute of Schultz's game or just a play on his name. As always, creativity is key.
Good Luck!
Actually, drinking copiously to dull the pain started about a month ago.
so get those thinking caps ready.
Is that pun intended?
And I have an idea - let's split up the teams, putting all of the hard workers on one and sending the rest to tool away in the garden or something.
Ooh, Sutsy. He's so dreamy!
Biff, I should have been clearer - today's round of drinking copiously...and only a month? You're a stronger fan than I am, I think I made it to January.
HG: Pun not intended but always welcome! And if we got rid of all the non-hard workers on the Caps right now, we'd be left with two players. Although you never know, they may do better.
DCSC: Sutsy IS dreamy...*sigh* Ack, no, puckbunny be gone! It's so hard when we have such a good-looking team. ;) mouth dropped upon seeing this.
One of my favorite bloggers...quoting one of my favorite bands of all-time?
Shit, I didn't even think many people cared about GBV anymore.
I'd love to hear about some of your favorite GBV songs/albums!
Games over. I suspect you're sufficiently numb.
David: I'm embarrassed to admit this is the only GBV song I know, but it's one of my favorites - e-mail your favorite songs, I need an expert opinion!
Victor: av'oinbeornb;soefdkml.
Just kidding ;)
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