Thursday, October 05, 2006

For a Change...

I know everyone is gearing up for the game - that's in 53 minutes and counting, kids.

I stumbled upon a rarity that I wanted to share to get everyone in the mood...

Are you ready?

Seriously, this has never been seen before. Wait for it...

It's... article on Ovechkin! Seriously, I kid you not! I know, it's like the media just hates him, but finally the Washington Times has featured our boy Ovie in a tell-all interview.

Okay, kidding aside, do I need to keep going into why I love him so much? He's just so Ovie-like. Just read the first paragraph where they describe where he's standing and what he's wearing - I dare you not to laugh, or at least crack a smile. Anyways, it put me in a good mood for the game tonight and I hope it does the same for you.

Here's hoping Ovechkin runs over Jagr in the first shift. I promise you I would never stop laughing. Go Caps!

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