Thursday, June 05, 2008

Fleury's Caboose

If you watched last night's Cup-clinching win by the Red Wings or saw any of the highlights you probably noticed that Detroit's third goal was a little...odd - going from the stick of Zetterberg, through a maze of players in front of Fleury, and landing between his pads.

Then he sat on it, propelling the frozen rubber disk over the goal line.

It would be a painful goal at any time but you almost have to feel for Fleury, especially considering that such a fluke eventually cost his team the Stanley Cup. He had put together some pretty great performances throughout the playoffs and even a few in the Finals - his teammates spoke the truth when they said they wouldn't be there without him and so he had nothing to hang his head about.

In fact, the entire Penguins team and their fans should be very proud that their young team made this series as interesting as it was. It was a hell of a performance and a hell of an ending. Nothing should take away from that.

And yet...being the bitter, cruel, schadenfreuder that I am I just couldn't resist it when the creative urge (and a great deal of boredom) struck. After all, it was just two months ago that a certain captain was cackling about one of our players putting the puck into his own net. Karma can be a bitch, can't it?

At any rate, I blame my roommate and fellow Caps fans I talked with throughout the game for what finally took shape around 1:00 this morning. I'll probably regret posting it, but enjoy:


admin said...


Anonymous said...

And in case I didn't say it enough over there - I LOVE YOU FOR THIS! It was amazing. I'm still laughing, the tears streaming down my face kind. And I've proceeded to forward it to every Caps fan on my list...

Anonymous said...

Now that's Karma! Loved it. I saw a post somewhere that the Wings should be fair and include Mark Andre' Fleury's backside in the engravings on the Cup.

Chris & Sarah said...

Oh you cruel, evil, wonderful thing you ;)

Crosby's Karma just ran over his Dogma.

Only wish I was able to watch it as it happened, rather than sit on the runway at Dulles for 4 hours waiting for the weather to clear.

Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Still loving this. Also, how cool is it that Zetterberg was credited with the goal? Somewhere in Sweden I think a young blonde hockey player had a big smile on his cute face. Too bad Nick is too young to buy a drink for Zetterberg when they are in Toronto next week for the awards ceremony(or is the drinking age lower than 21 in Canada?)

Anonymous said...

The drinking age in Ontario happens to be 19, actually... I smell a wild party after Nick, Ovie, and Bruce get their awards...

Anonymous said...

Dan, Jr. said...

What a bad time to have a case of the squirts. OK...Anytime is a bad time, butt you know what I mean. I laughed my ass off. He must feel he's hit bottom...So to speak.

jmu.capsgirl said...

Too funny! Especially since Crosby made such a, um, butt of himself when poor Nick got his own-goal. But I do kinda feel bad for the Flower. I mean, who wants to go down in history as the only guy who ever lost the Stanley Cup for his team on an own-goal. But then I remember he's a Pen and the feelings of pity pretty much disappear

Chris & Sarah said...

Sarah says the only way you could have made that better was starting off with Fleury's face plant from Game one.

But Sarah is just mean too!